Design tokens are indivisible pieces of a design system such as colors, spacing, typography scale.
Design tokens were created by the Salesforce design system team, and the name comes from them (Jon & Jina).
The Design Tokens specification is composed of multiple modules:
We'd also like to thank the following contributors: Abhishek Warokar, Adam Stankiewicz, Ale Muñoz, Asher, Benjamin Kindle, Bjørn Madsen, Chase McCoy, Dale Sande, Daniel Flynn, Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Evan Lovely, Fabian Friedl, Guilherme Nagüeva, Ivan Maksimovic, Jan Toman, Jina Anne, Jon Levine, Kaelig Deloumeau-Prigent, Kilian Valkhof, KLS, Laurent Thiebault, Lukas Oppermann, Mike Kamminga, Miriam Suzanne, Namık Özgür Aydın, Pavel Laptev, Pavel Vostrikov, Rob Eisenberg, Robin, Roman Komarov, Salem Cobalt, Sébastien Barbieri, Sigurd Fosseng, and Zhihao Cui.